Königsbrücker Heide Wilderness
The 5 600 ha Königsbrücker Heide Wilderness is a large coherent nature conservation area, which provides good conditions for a re-naturalisation of previous military training grounds with a potential to become a prime Wilderness in Germany. Königsbrücker Heide has a very good potential to expand the Königsbrücker Heide Wilderness. The Königsbrücker Heide Wilderness has not been actively managed for more than 15 years. It provides a unique experience of natural spontaneous dynamics and implementation of non-intervention management.
European Wilderness Quality Standard Audit System
The 5 600 ha Königsbrücker Heide Wilderness was subject of a Quick-Audit in 2014 and meets the Silver Wilderness Quality Standard.
Wilderness information
- Protected area: Naturschutzgebiete Königsbrücker Heide
- Wilderness: Königsbrücker Heide Wilderness
- Wilderness Quality Standard: Silver
- Country: Saxony, Germany
- Size of the protected area: 6 921 ha
- Size of the Wilderness: 5 600 ha
- European Wilderness Quality Standard Audit : 2014
- Wilderness Uniqueness: High diversity in habitat types and abundance of plant and animal species. Formerly a military training ground, the large area has been s left alone over the last 15 years for natural spontaneous development.
- Number of visitors per year to the protected area: approx. 93 000
- Number of visitors per year to the Wilderness: approx. 15 000
The Königsbrücker Heide Wilderness is located on the transition from hill to lowland landscapes and includes extremely dry, damp and wetland areas. This results in the diversity of habitats as well as abundance of plant and animal species. A certain number of threatened and endangered animals live in Königsbrücker Heide Wilderness. For example, the area is repopulated by the wolf, the beaver and the otter. There is also a large population of roe and red deer, wild boar and red fox. Many bird species can be found in this area such as the hoopoe, kingfisher, the golden oriole and woodlark. A characteristic bird for Königsbrücker Heide Wilderness is the nightjar. Currently, there are about 100 nightjar breeding pairs in this area.
Wilderness Tourism Experience
Königsbrücker Heide Wilderness is located approx. 30 km from Dresden and is accessible for cars and buses due to the good asphalt roads. However, the Königsbrücker Heide Wilderness inherited a network of road and scattered unexploded munition from the past military activities. Large amounts of this were removed, but due to safety reasons the area is not open for tourism.
Contact details
- Königsbrücker Heide Wilderness
- Address street: Weißbacher Straße 30
- Postal code city: 01936 Königsbrück, Germany
- Phone: +49 35795 4990 100
- Website: http://www.nsg.koenigsbrueckerheide.eu/index.php/nsg_verwaltung.html
Wilderness Brief